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Here's some Gilbert Raborg the Pedophile lore along with proof that he's now lying about everything to avoid feeling guilty for his actions, with the help of egirls who enable his delusions. TLDR: she blocked Gil when she was 14 and when she was 15 Gil began to spam Kennedi on 8ch /b/, posting pics of her from when she was 11 years old and using her full name in every thread he could. He was such an attentionwhore like he still is to this day that he couldn't help but nickname himself "Spicneet" and post in the third person pretending to be anons who admired his shitty posts. 

Archived /baphomet/ catalog containing a thread about Gil, since everyone hated him for spamming Kennedi everywhere:
> I'm sure most of you will remember this faggot. He's the one who's spammed Kennedi all over / b /
Most 8chan archives are dead and gone, but if you look his name or spicneet, some irrelevant archived threads of his still come up. 

ED selfpost by Gil showing him sexually harassing random women, using his nickname for himself and calling himself  a shota like he still does every day on discord:
> your sweet as honey butthole around my shota-tier shaft. 

In April, Gil posted a burner number in a Ken thread and anons had text conversations with him about what he did to her. I'll greentext the most relevant parts that Gilbert Raborg the Pedophile told this anon and how it adds up with Ken's timeline and what other anons have said, and how it completely contradicts Gilbert Raborg the Pedophile's new innocent narrative. 
> They met when she was 11 
> classmate of hers introduced her to him after the classmate met him on Facebook

> She was distant but stayed in contact with him by keeping him as a facebook friend

> When she was 14 this guy started hanging out with people encouraged him to act out by harassing young girls after gaining their trust, doxxing random people and harassing them and their families to post it in groups and on 8chan

> He started saying trollish things to Ken out of the blue and harassed her with sexual remarks to try to get her to react, and Ken blocked him
> After this, the guy got pissed off enough to band together with his friends to start posting Ken's face and name all over 8chan and halfchan to turn her into a full blown meme 
> She didn't find out until a long time after the posting started, and someone alerted her on tumblr when she was 15
> That post is still up
> I asked him if he could tell Ken anything now, what would it be, and his answer was a simple "Kill me"

Gilbert Raborg the Pedophile originally claimed that an anon doxxed him and posted his phone number but deleted the post, which made Gilbert Raborg the Pedophile panic and post a burner number for people to contact him through instead. A mod in the thread intervened and said that there were no deleted posts that day before Gilbert Raborg the Pedophile posted his burner number. There was a post in an old dead thread which said "Someone posted one of the original posters' number" with Gilbert Raborg the Pedophile's real phone number attached, making it obvious Gilbert Raborg the Pedophile had tried posting his actual number (214-482-1848 for the curious) in an old thread before realizing that was a mistake and made it obvious it was him and he had doxxed himself. From the get go he wanted attention from anons and fabricated a story about his number getting posted then deleted so he could freak out then post a burner to bait people into talking to him with pity instead of calling him out as an attention whore. When called out on this, he magically appeared to yet again defend himself by saying "OMG, bro... I was half-kidding with the "kill me" part, I might be as likely to say "kiss me"." 

Best for last: He had a greencard marriage and got sued for divorce. Raborg the Pedophile-raborg-322105