I really didn't wanna talk about this shit cause it's so fucking stupid, but I'm kinda ideologically obliged to call out retardation:
Women will often make up a rule\standard towards men, then feminists will see men's reaction to this, and twist it into it being the man's fault
> Man owning cats
Woman is turned off by men who own cats, so men tend to avoid owning one. Feminists twist this into men not wanting cats because they're misogynists and cats are "female coded", or they don't want to appear "gay" due to "toxic masculinity".
> Men refuse to open up because they know women are turned off by it
Feminists twist this into men stubbornly clinging to "gender roles" and again "toxic masculinity".
> Incels call out how women heavily discriminate against a man's race (ethniccel, indian janitor meme, etc.)
Feminists twist this into acting like it's MEN who are racist and think less of men of other races, when they're just responding to how WOMEN act.
The fucking irony of this all is that it's WOMEN who push any "toxic masculinity" that they complain about. They create the "problem" and then complain that it exists. Best of both worlds.
I see two possibilities here: These women are looking for any excuse to attack men, or they're so fucking stupid that they don't understand men (and refuse to).
So, as I've been saying for years, women are either stupid or evil.