I get where you're coming from but I'm under the impression that everybody develops this same attitude towards her. We all wish we could've saved her but in the end she chose her own path and there has been evidence she was kind of a shitty person. I personally don't let this affect my views of her. Yes she should've just done weed and stayed the fuck away from the hard shit she ended up on. But it's all on her. She chose to use those substances and she chose to hang out with those guys that fed that shit to her. People don't like other making their decisions for them. I would've loved the chance to have gotten to talk to her and find out the kind of person she really was but that's just very unlikely to ever have happened. There's numerous stories of her taking advantage of people and just being a shitty person in general. However nobody is perfect. But out of curiosity how are people on here being delusional about her? All I see are people admiring her beauty and acknowledging her foundation as the archetypical/quintessential e-girl.