Women seem to have a hard time gauging a man's intentions (not counting the ones who are just using casual sex to catch a Chad), so here are a few tips I thought of:
How to tell if a man actually cares about you, or if he's being positive just to get you in bed.
Someone who is trying to care for you will likely do and say whatever is actually best for you, and not necessarily just what you want to hear. Though note that these are just signs, they're not definitive. And they also apply to people in general, not just boyfriends.
> He tells you the truth, even if it's negative.
A man who just wants to fuck will say whatever you want to hear, to get conversations over with and hurry up to the fucking part. He won't want to have any difficult but necessary conversations.
For example, if you ask a man who cares about you whether you're fat, and you are, he'll tell you the truth. Ex. "Yeah you're overweight.". Ideally, he'll still be polite about it, of course.
But if he just wants to fuck, he might say something like "Naww, you're beautiful/perfect." or "Yeah, you're thick\squishy\etc.". He'll dismiss the problem.
> He tells you "no".
And generally keeps healthy boundaries with you, including when you fuck up and he (correctly) pushes you away.
Conversely, a man who just wants to get laid will likely overlook all your fuckups, as being upset with each other will delay you guys from having sex.
> He goes against what you want, when it's for your own good.
If you want to do something stupid, he'll be against it. You want to do it, but it's bad for you, so he's against it. He's discouraging from doing the wrong thing. He's looking out for you, even when you aren't looking out for yourself.
Again, a man who doesn't care will go along with whatever you say, as "upsetting" you will just delay sex.
> Bonus
While these are good ways to deduce a man's intentions, please do not "test" the man by purposefully creating situations to see his reaction. Using "tests", "mind games", or retardaiton like that will just make an honest man dislike you. You can only use these metrics in situations that happen GENUINELY naturally.
Also, don't do that thing where you artificially wait 30/60 days before having sex, expecting that to weed the casual sex men out. It won't, it's just stupid. Men like that will just keep multiple women on the "cooldown" until they're actually available.
Just be fucking honest with the man, and expect honesty from him, and you'll be fine.

Feel free to share this info around, for women's overall edification.
I've been thinking of ways women can earn respect from a man, and how to better interface with men in general. I might post about that next.