It happens and it'll suck for a while, especially if you thought she was something special and as well if this is your first go around thinking this fondly about a girl
But don't let it make you bitter, there are actual decent girls out there, I've got one myself
But just remember what I said before in that post and I'll add this
Online girls who derive self pity from all the attention they receive online are full of shit
Someone who wants to be left alone, will cut all real contact with the world, they will not attach themselves to a group that obviously has connection with exactly what she wants to run away from

As a girl who says she has self esteem issues and than continues to post her face on literally everything  it would very quickly make you wonder if this person is genuine  

I can't say all too much here but I've dealt with ewhores myself over the years and I can't sit idle 
I believe I know who you might be, if I am wrong that's that's just further sadness about Audi's carnality 
And if you know who I might be, let's go speak over there much more candidly