No worries, I thought you were someone else
That ain't good sign considering
Anyways as I said before, don't be a simp or nothing, it's really not the road to go down, if anything you should be angry right now that she deceived you, you need to get some confidence my friend
If you give her an inch she'll take a mile, that's how these sorts are

But I get that she was someone special to you, I understand that I was there myself, just not with her
I still think back ever so often those once special times, where I felt as a school boy in love or something
It cuts deep, but you'll get past it, I didn't believe that I could myself till I eventually did
But don't every look for answers from her, that's a gateway to her bs again, to reel you back and to tease or fuck around what ever it may be, because you are the one with the feelings and she knows that
Don't let her utilize that in the future if she ever does come around again, and especially not for any future girls you got lined up down the road

I wish you luck my friend, get some good confidence in yourself and remember these words
Fuck em