no idea how you could say ciara, marky, bee, bianca, etc. are anything like ken in behavior or ideals. a dead heroin addict who produced and distributed cp for money, a lolicon artist who posted her own nudes on /b/ who now crashes her cars within days of getting them and livestreams drinking herself to death, a pregnant 20 year old in an open relationship pretending to be 16, and a compulsive liar who made underage sex tapes for discord and ultimately got murdered because she couldn’t help herself from cheating on someone. ken’s worst crime? talking to Gilbert Raborg the Pedophile when she was 11 which led him to shitting up the board. she’s not without flaws but to say she’s no different from the degenerates of old has gotta be intentionally dense. or maybe your point is that they’re all women at the end of the day. in that case idk why you’re here.