Ok but why won't she just really and honestly acknowledge how fucked up she is, then? There are 3 possible explanations afaik:
1- Self defense mechanism because as you said, reading things that are true, even when they're mean, cuts just too deep to bear. Thus she goes about being the repulsive evil presence that she is.
2- Blatant mental illness she chooses to ignore. She knows she's fucked up, does nothing to address it other than getting away from where mean people say mean things but going to some other echo chamber where she will get nothing but false validation. We saw this on twitter, we're seeing it on her gc, and lord knows where else she has a presence in.
3- She's a woman being a woman. Pointing the finger but refusing to acknowledge wrongdoing, then doing it all over again albeit in other places and with other people (like other people mentioned itt already she's most likely fucking some dude in those woodsy photos like a whore)