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I want to pre-empt by saying I'm not typically /r9k/ in my views on women. I've even met single mothers and women who used to cam who I'd consider, though flawed, decent people who I'd give a chance to. I don't think all women are whores and I understand that women face difficulties in dating and companionship too (though different ones to what men face).

But with Marky it's like... how could you marry someone like that without thinking back to how she spent her teenage years? We're talking about a girl who, when she was in the prime of her life, decided to give it up to a two-bit "comedian" used-car salesman who threatened to kill and rape her and she still met up with him.

I legitimately don't think I'd even be willing to go on a date with her. This isn't just "had sex with my high school boyfriend at 16" or even "hooked up with a classmate at 16 at his house while his parents were out. It's something far darker and more disgusting. To me it suggests damage that will never really heal. Knowing what she did just makes my skin crawl, it makes me fundamentally repulsed. And this is coming from someone who is a degenerate pervert.

How is this girl ever going to get married?