That's a very generous mindset my friend. I'm personally against tipping because it's a complete scam. The waitresses having a shitty attitude and effectively blackmailing customers just seals the deal.

While I'm here, note how women often have this attitude where they attack the wrong person. They'll defend the person harming them, and attack the people who are innocent
> Waitresses getting mad at customers when it's the employer who's scamming them
> Woman's bf cheats on her, but she attacks the other woman
> Get pumped and dumped by Chads, but claim it's incels who only see women as sex objects
> Get wronged by exbf, now she's mad at all other men, and would instantly get back with her ex
> Women are most likely to be victims of violence from the men they choose to date, but they blame all other men
> Getting mad at men who suggest they take measures to protect themselves
> Women in abusive relationships defending the man who beats them, but attack anyone trying to help