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The absolute balls on this slut lmao. Heartbroken and kicking rocks about him for months? She means, the same dude she was doing drugs with, fucking even when she says he was trying to hookup with other bitches, and ACTUALLY pegging (she just confirmed it herself with the no pun intended thing)? Can she even see how absolutely whorish and stupid this make her look? 

So you're telling me this guy whom Audrey the whore calls "creepy vindictive delusional and deeply insecure bleeding wound disguising yourself as a normal person" was also the guy she was calling her soulmate (LOL) and literally swallowing the cum of literally like a week before they split up? God damn gurl you're either an actual retard on top of being a whore or you just like to get fucked in the ass and sucking the cock of incels and are trying hard to deflect right now. I know what you will say. You were so in love and blinded by it, hahaha. You are an abuser and love to garner sympathy from everybody else by doing stupid shit like this in order for your simps to come defend your absolutely horrible, corrupted, evil and whorish thing you call "honor" or "dignity" lmfao.

"I will consider confronting you formally and you will not enjoy it." As if you didn't enjoy giving footjobs, doing anal, swallowing after deepthroating because of your lack of gag reflex, disappearing for days with other guy "friends" and "wrestling" with them and refusing to explain further after coming back home, doing drugs with other people incluiding your own sisters, and other twisted and vile stuff that if revealed will make you finally tie the noose since you wouldn't have any face at all to save?