Chalking up a protective order to “narcs who want control” is the sort of thing someone afraid of a protective order getting on their record would say kek. Why make it out to be mental illness for someone to say “leave me alone forever”? All a protective order does is guarantee someone cannot contact you. What does that have to do with control? Her ex has shown he can’t function like a normal human being with his constant spergouts here, regardless of how she might or might act. So why doesn’t he respect her wishes? Because he’s fucking obsessed with her, as seen by his CONSTANT. FUCKING. SPERGING. He’s the type of person who’d try to kill himself at your doorstep for not responding to him quickly enough. 

The only reason wanting an unhinged person out of your life would seem like being a control freak would be if you are that person and you’re still butthurt about someone being rightfully annoyed by you acting like a BPD case.