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This has piqued my interest. Is there any more info on this whole situation? What was this person trying to blackmail Rhea with and why? And where did she know her from in the first place?

I've looked into this a bit.
The 'Mio' referred to, who used to go by 'clownworldvictim', and was supposedly also being blackmailed, is this person:
I found her mentioned in the archive by her old username here:
Her and Rhea both follow each other on Instagram.
Evidently, from the screenshot in  >>/26775/ Mio was involved with online 'extremists' and had her nudes passed around.

The 'Tristan Ricks' person who is claimed to be a Nazi and pedo was also mentioned here:  >>/18320/
So evidently that Vivi girl was also involved in this same circle. It's said that Vivi e-dated this Tristan guy and it's suggested that Rhea may have also e-dated him. Is there any more info on this guy or his relationship to/with Rhea?

Now, also in that Vivi thread ( >>/18299/) there was a post (later deleted by mods) alleging that someone named Brandon had created the thread and this post also contained a link to a doxbin with, of course, his dox, along with other information about him. In the doxbin it's alleged that Brandon is a pedophile with a history of stalking and harassing women and initiating sexual relations with underage girls online. The doxbin also contained this link of some girl (I don't know who) talking about her experience with Brandon. But the interesting part is this: around the 4m 12s mark of this video you will see some screenshots of DMs Brandon had with some other guy where Rhea is mentioned; this is where the attached image is from. It looks like Brandon may be referring to her when he says he 'used to be close to her', and like the prior comments in the conversation are also about her. The full context of these messages isn't entirely clear, but you know what it looks like they're talking about.

All the details of this aren't clear, but, putting together the pieces, it looks like Rhea/Lucy, Mio, and Vivi were all involved together along with these Tristan and Brandon guys in some sort of alt-right/nazi-larp grooming server, or gc or the like, where underage girls pandered to pedos. What was the full extent and nature of Rhea's involvement with this group and these people? Her friend Mio apparently had her nudes spread in those circles; was Rhea also sending nudes to this Brandon guy and possibly others, as it looks like she may have been? Was that part of what this 'thousandknives' girl tried to blackmail her with, possibly due to some intra-group drama? There's probably a lot more to this.