thumbnail of [2013-12-26 18:33:53 UTC] [pastebin.com_6z4nJf0v] listography
thumbnail of [2013-12-26 18:33:53 UTC] [pastebin.com_6z4nJf0v] listography
[2013-12-2... zip
(14.75 KB, 0x0)
ook merci pour ta contribution
mirinoru and naikonu+haiselnet (can't find evidence right now, but apparently same account too) it is. Both have images floating around.

Not sure if this were posted on agatha2 before, I found it on 4chan archives. Someone made a snapshot of Marky's listography page way back in dec 2013 and uploaded it as text file to pastebin:
It has no profile pics or background, yet has embedded css, so it can be viewed in a browser almost as it was supposed to be. Some lists are truncated, expand link [...view...] points to a separate page, and hence were not saved. Listography website still exists and still looks like it used to 10 years ago, very cosy.