And the guys they don't see screw their face in confusion and go "What? I'm just sitting here enjoying my video games. You don't even know I exist let alone look my way." 
Women love the idea that they have this boundless empathy when they don't. They don't even have a firm grip on reality or different realities in a metaphorical sense for all their spiritual talk. They can't put themselves in the shoes of others, and bring everything back on themselves without grasping their own life experiences/choices. So they believe most men are out here slaying and breaking hearts because they've had more experiences with those types of men...meaning they believe that those types of men are in abundance within the male population...meaning what we've been saying again and again...That they don't even consider that we exist. Not in that framework. 
Women only regard us when they want to use that stupid "I" word, but believe we're in relationships to be able to do the horrible things they claim.