Something I've been thinking about is how some of the e-girls here played to the racism of a lot of their orbiters. I don't even call them racist to malign them. Maybe it's a larp, maybe it's not, but there's no denying we all love a bit of racism on the Chans. I do and I'm not even white. But the problem is a lot of guys, even genuinely racist guys, believe these e-girls were/are genuinely hateful of other races besides the white race and all that entails. As if these girls had any REAL allegiance. 
Like you said, women lie, but I don't believe it's always malicious. Lying/manipulating is in their biology because they can't defend themselves like we can. So they have to use their social powers in order to get what they want or avoid certain consequences.
Now more than ever women crave attention, and they can get that dopamine hit, hit after hit because of the internet. So, in the case of these Chan e-girls, they assimilate into the culture of the Chans because that's what get them the attention. This is exacerbated because a lot of them don't or didn't have thriving irl social lives. So they'll say all the racist shit they can to be accepted into the social circle they landed in.
But then they end up meeting and fucking guys of other races, giving their pair-bonding and best years to these guys. 
It's a lie. Women only have allegiance to a dominating force, and that doesn't always have to be physical. But it can be. That, or they'll change their tune in real life if they believe they can get a guy for security if he has the money, status, if he's built and dangerous. 
Guys are different. We can stand on our beliefs and are willing to die for them. Well, mostly, compared to women.