In my effort to empathize with women, I came across a video that talked about how fat women are oppressed in society. She spoke about how she was indeed overweight in middle school, and a couple of other young women would bully her for it. This led her to fad diets, and later on to things like being against "diet culture" and how society creates these "oppressive beauty standards".
And then I realized. She was doing the woman thing of mistakenly focusing on the symptoms instead of the actual problem. Verbally, she complains about society, but her ACTUAL problem was being mistreated by the bully women.
All she really needed to do was to start beating up her bullies. The problem would be solved, and she wouldn't mull over this oppression bullshit. She was trying to lose weight so the bullying would stop, instead of just kicking the ass of who was bullying her.
I also noticed she did the woman thing of overlooking the people who wrong her (bully classmates) and attacking those who are innocent (society). (For other examples, see  >>/46163/)
Idk man, I'm open minded and genuinely try to understand the women's perspective, but the more I do, the more I see how retarded they are.