What you said about victimhood leading to more socialization is a good point. Women faking victimhood to acquire more social points does sound like something they'd do. It's like when they get mad at men when they offer a solution to their problem, because then they don't have an excuse to complain and be a victim. (See: "lonely" women)
Have you ever heard your cousin or other young women being catcalled IRL? I personally haven't.
Also, you can tell that women are full of shit when they get mad at men for dating younger women, because they never EVER point out (or accept the argument) that the younger women are just exploiting the older man's income\resources. Not to mention that the man had to actually work his ass off to be "valuable", while the woman just exists.
I don't doubt that some people are into that shit, I'm talking specifically about things like catcalling or whistling.