Want to know something else? I've been thinking about this recently: everyone becomes especially brain-dead when it comes to women. 
I say this because when everyone, including other "men" try to defend women in any capacity, their using female emotional "reasoning" to do so. It's always off the jump and you know these guys would physically hurt you if they got the chance. That's why you hear about some of them being killed or badly beaten for trying to white knight. These guys can't fathom the thought "This is none of my business, I shouldn't intervene or I could die horribly". They take on women's need for social brownie points. They'll even use female logic and shaming tactics and fail at simple logic LIKE women just to defend them from le "incels". 
They are also why women can't be held accountable because they'll memesay/react you to oblivion while using "period" as a slam-dunk or physically harm you. Then as women's problems grow over time, they're left scratching their heads like the bitches they defend, and then come to the conclusion that it's men's fault. 
They're right, but not in the way they think they are.