Anything to avoid responsibility. Leftists and conservatives will never allow this for them. Both are feminists. But I've seen conservacucks telling men who have given up on relationships that they're likely just choosing wrong. They also laugh at these men for going MGTOW and insult them for not taking the relationship/marriage pill. Now there's a trend of these dick heads shaming men for taking control over their sexuality and reproduction by finding companionship elsewhere. It's like conservatives have this cultish mindset about relationships that they can't fathom men would rather get AI gfs than deal with real women. You don't see these same faggots making fun of women for using vibrators or dildo machines that fuck with the press of a button. You don't see them shaming women for all the sex toys they by or even taking their sexuality how they will. 
Even Jordan Peterson called women right for rejecting you. Has he called men right for rejecting women? Can anyone find out where he has? I'm willing to admit I'm wrong. I don't think he has. You also won't see conservatives tell women men are totally in the right to reject them in any way shape or form.