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I don't know you guys. Something seems fishy about this Cewl girl and her whole situation.
This libero feller seems to be involved in quite a lot of puzzling things. Like how he's the guy she met up with back in November, yet somehow nothing happened, also what is she saying "LOL" too... I wonder. 
Then she tells us that the reason she said "THANKS" on the PC tweet is cause she told him when the PC was arriving, then he says "wow you're so lucky", then she says the "THANKS"... but there is only one reply... and what adult man says "you're so lucky" over a new PC, he's not a 15 year old boy.
Then on the tweet about the outfit, she somehow has "no moners" yet his reply just magically conjures up enough moners for her to buy the outfit... weird.
The other thing that is puzzling to me is how he's indistinguishable from this "doxxfag" guy, her "childhood friend"... who supposedly has gone to every single school with her since childhood, even following her into Turkey AND ending up on her endchan thread with her nudes... Idk.