None of this is correct. Cewl had known about libero for quite some time but never met up with him, she also ghosted everyone sometime in August where he lost contact with her. Fast forward to October and someone tells Cewl to come post on endchan, where she posts herself without filters or anything for the first time, which gave her a big boost in confidence and she decided to reopen her twitter hoping to connect with someone. Libero reconnected with her and they met up in November, where they started dating, after that she kind of became detached and stopped posting here cause she didn't want to post on /agatha2/ while having a boyfriend and some point just quits cold turkey, both the heroin and the attentionwhoring. However she just loved the attention so much that she came back with a new persona, one which didn't involve connecting with anyone and just putting on a fake personality to get attention and that's how we're here.