I still cannot conclusively tell without a shadow of a doubt if "doxxfag" and "libero" are the same person

But I suspect the whole story about doxxfag being a friend from uni is a lie, and he most likely is libero. The uni friend story came about because of the "doxxing" situation.

He speaks turkish because he does business in a turkey.

He bought her the PC and the outfit.

They met in December, rather than November.

However if we were to assume that doxxfag and Libero are not the same and I just went off based on the posts that are recognizably written by doxxfag (I have no concept of libero's writing style since he doesn't seem to exist outside of doxxfag) then I can at least conclusively say that doxxfag is cewl's boyfriend, there is a lot of posts that I am using here and putting them all together would take quite a long time so I won't do it for now, unless cewl chooses to come clean and fess up that she has a boyfriend, if she doesn't then I'll go full schizo again.