i mean, are you surprised? she’s a pathological liar who inconsistently fakes a bullshit persona. poorly, at that. her paranoid hyperfixation on tearing down  other girls like iris should have been your first early red flag. cracks in her method aside, nobody with even a shred of self esteem would ever act and talk the way she does. she came here because she envied the easy attention that e-girls got, but she’s not an e-girl. as a matter of fact, she’s so unaware of what an e-girl is, that she’s pretending she’s going to write a shitty book about it. she’s an observer, not a participant. she pretends to be acquainted with bianca devin’s old friends because it’s the only thing that makes her feel interesting. she’s two faced, she’s boring, she lies through her teeth constantly. she’s a clout chaser and a social parasite and she’s going to be gone and forgotten soon enough. 

the only reason she has a thread here is because she made one. she took advantage of the fact that a lot of you moids are cumbrains and some of you have a white supremacy streak in your personas and she came here to bait and it worked. she’s not smart, but she’s smart enough to manipulate the lowest hanging fruit to build momentum for her. ez manipulation 

she’s a grubby fingered narcissistic little hillbilly who thinks trailer trash is a workable aesthetic. it is, if you have personality and you’re cute. she’s neither. she is just another poverty throwaway who failed to develop anything significant enough to rise above. eventually she’ll get knocked up by a groomer or her cousin or some shit and she’ll disappear. 

she lacks the drive and charisma to do even the most exploitable smoothbrain route to the e-fame she craves: being a vtuber. so she LARPs as some cringe rendition of an idol to feel relevant. 

also let’s stop pretending any of us actually believe she’s sex repulsed. she idolizes a show that was created by an adult man who groomed a girl swho sent him fan mail at the age of 15 and flew her out to live with him at 17. she’s probably trying to reenact this scenario or, at the very least, live vicariously through the girl who came out as a victim because, of course, the weird forced innocent shit has a lot of parallels to what this lolcow thinks being groomed is like. she is 100% ferishizing this scenario she’s putting herself into. this is disassociation and you’re watching mental illness happen, folks. she was probably molested by her dad or something and is exploring a proxy persona to deal with it and you know what? go for it. not my business or my problem. 

but if any of you were smart you would walk away from this slow motion train wreck and you would find someone with at least one positive aspect to exploit. you won’t find one here.