lmao you think i’m kam? sister i called him Nacho Libre like 15 posts ago you dumb heifer. not only are you insecure, but you’re a schizo retard. you probably think i’m kam because you’re a delulu shit-stirrer and despite causing problems for literally anyone you acknowledge, you probably still can’t comprehend people all hate your dumpster fire Great Value ass because you think you’re an e-girl and e-girls get orbiters and attention by default

listen to me, let me make this very clear: you are not an e-girl. you are not interesting, unique, exciting, and catastrophic to ever be one. you are a hemorrhoid on the prolapsed asshole of this shithole board and that’s all you will ever be. those girls you idolize? that you want to be? that you desperately cling to? you can’t. you won’t. it is not possible for you to ever be that. you’ve already passed the expiration date for developing anything interesting about you and i suggest that you disappear into the background along with every other little tryhard carbon copy that you resemble ever so uncannily 

do you think those girls you want to be sat around cultivating personas after each other? do you think faggots and cookers spooned them attention because they had nothing to do but waste time on any nobody? do you actually think those girls had to make the pathetic constant effort to be tangibly alluring? no, they just were. they existed. they had “it”. you can’t explain “it” to someone who doesn’t comprehend and doesn’t possess “it”. you will never possess that trait, or more accurately, those amalgamations of traits that make someone interesting enough to follow through the depths of whatever hell, chaos, abuse and tragedy they put forth into the world. 

if you overdosed today the last post about you would be next week and this thread, along with the illusion of you ever having any sort of relevance, would sink to the bottom of this board just like your bloated stinky uwu corpse would sink into the ground and the last thought anyone ever has of you would disappear along with it. your fucking irrelevancy is palpable to anyone but you because the only thing keeping you here, interacting, despite being mocked and shat on by anyone you contact, is your terribly unwarranted self importance and your extra strength dose of girl-on-the-internet syndrome 

i hope that clears things up a bit