If you think about it, when men complain, it's usually because they're being disadvantaged and are asking for Equality. However, when women complain, it's usually because they're unhappy about getting Equality, and want special treatment (daresay, privileges).
Men complain about things like:
> wanting to pay 50/50 on dates, while women demand the man pay for everything
> people dating their looksmatch, instead of hypergamy
> fights where the woman provokes the man and he defends himself
> wanting a financial abortion, since normally women have all the power and zero responsibility, while men have the opposite
And notably, in each of these cases, women get extremely mad if you talk about them. Women genuinely get mad at a proposal of ACTUAL equality.
Meanwhile, women's complaints are about just wanting more shit:
> throughout the marriage, they want the man to pay the bills
> during divorce, suddenly they want 50/50
> pay gap
> programs for women in jobs like STEM
> more women in college (now that there ARE more women in college, suddenly they don't care about gender ratios)
> more women in well paying jobs (never the difficult or badly paid jobs, obviously)
> female quotas in jobs, in general
> any kind of "equality of outcome" benefit
> expecting the man to ask them out, pursue them and put all the effort in the entire relationship/marriage
> being drafted (when proposed, women suddenly change their tune to wanting to abolish the draft. They were quiet when it was men only though)
Have men ever asked for anything less than Equality? Have any of men's requests been unreasonable?
Meanwhile, basically all of women's requests are unreasonable and self serving.