the constant defensive posting is sus n it gives me the ick. like she's this concerned about what ppl think of her that she's constantly hawking over any n every space that discusses her ready to squash all wrongthink by make some half assed cringe reply. it's desperate n desperate isn't cute..........
lazy slob, poverty, no hygiene, awful health both mental n physical..... there's just something sus about her. she doesn't take care of herself at all, there's no way she would ever take care of a partner, child, house, finances, herself... compare her to other povertychans like kasper, ksenia, sunny, bia etc. n at least those girls did, idk, something to seem somewhat feminine n presentable. ika bites her nails down to nothing n puts fake nails over them to hide it. she has some kind of pet animal tank in her room that has no lighting and looks dirty, she puts stickers over parts of pictures to try to hide things, there's something really wrong with this one. 

ika, show us your animal tank. do you abuse your pets?