yaaaassssss slaaaaay!! all of these shitskin girlies with mudshark moms are so cool, i’m so happy to see another obese soulless black hair brown eyes brown nipple brown labia brown butthole brown stained inner thigh brown armpit melanigger selfposting european negro, and she’s gracing us with the opportunity to gaze upon her ugly dark knees and knuckles and her complexion as appealing as ground beef you forgot on the counter for 8 days and spoon-feed her attention despite having nothing sbout her worth talking about
hello fea i’m sure you’re used to your wrists looking like forearm kankles but there’s usually a bone called the pisiform that’s very defined if you are not fat and i think the fact that you used your wrists as a reference point on your weight speaks volumes. please just find a simp and go away you throwaway eurorats are like an increasingly foul and fast growing skidmark on e-girl and orbiter culture. brown labia look nasty i feel like they probably stain your clothes