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> black and ugly gets mad when anons like white women 
> spams WMBW porn on r9k
> trash talked  ika out of jealousy (look up sadfembot its iris)
> is a liar and loves victimhood even if everyone wants to help her she ignores them and keeps making shitty threads on r9k
> had a threesome with chad from tinder 
> ban evasion bitch even the jannies on r9k are tired of her bullshit 
> vapes like a normie
> had piercings 
> non virgin but refuses to post nudes and wants to be seen as pure 
> accused a man of being a pedro when she was actually 17 turning 18, again, he is a groomer and a creep but not a pedro the AOC of canada is 16 
> faked a suicide attempt to make everyone sad
> doxed her own name on porpose and made people find out who her little sister and mom were (she put them in danger for attention) 
> wanna be asian girl uses bangs and contacts to make her eyes big (fraud maxer) asian fishing 
> no personality no remaining qualities her personality revolves in getting attention
> ciara skinwalker
> rejected dating chadmarco after using him for views
> failed twitch whore keeps posting on r9k to get money
> neet parasite refuses to get a normal job
> cuts herself but says women that post nudes are whores
> admits only talks to r9k people for attention and twitch followers / money being her friend or trying to date her would be useless
> asks people to bianca'd her because she wants to become famous after her death

People are tired of her bullshit she is super annoying, ugly as fuck with a punchable face and is a vapid whore with no real interests. 
Normie black whore with no personality, no interests , nothing makes her special and super boring.