It’s been a few hours, and honestly I feelguilt from writing those hate posts. I shouldn’t have been so harsh to Vamp, my “criticisms” were just stupid trolling and grasping at straws that anre untrue and which Ishouldn’t do anymore, and she’s generally a nice person. Sorry Vamp, I hope you forgive me, since I’m retarded as heck. I should probably get off this obscure egirl website and focus on something more productive in my life. Thanks for the advice thoanon…
Sorry for calling you a third worlder, I shouldn’t be so hateful. Also I never mastered Hegel, I was just trolling. I’m just fucking envious of how other people get praise while I don’t, and I should probably get over that. Anyways, this is an egirl forum and this post is off topic, but I just wanted to apologize to anons since I’m a Christian and saying stuff like what I said before was fucking stupid.