> has nothing to do with the chans
How do you know? 

> chances are that she started dressing and acting that way even before kennedi did.
And on what grounds do you believe that are those the chances? 

> falling out could be literally anything and I don't see how that is important.
Nothing discussed here is "important." It's entertaining. You're exposing yourself for not understanding that. The reason people are so interested in why they stopped being friends is because he seemed to be one of Ken's oldest confirmed close friends, and their friendship ended very soon after she moved to SF. Considering how close they were from the perfume posts to the dream journal to the few flickr photos she posted of him, it's obvious they were like best friends. Whatever happened, it had to have been really bad, especially considering Ken is notorious for sticking around bad influences. 

> her doxx and info have been posted
She wasn't doxxed, and all information posted about her is publicly available. 

> after reporting her pics
First you say she has nothing to do with "the chans" to make one point and then you say she's here reporting her own pictures to prove a different point. 

> "ken clones" existed before
Sure, but someone being similar to Ken before Ken became known of isn't comparable to this. This woman who is very similar to Ken is literally dating a man that Ken had been close friends with for years before he knew this woman existed. 

> she stopped being relevant online years ago
What relevance would that have to someone she personally knows trying to imitate her to impress someone out of jealousy? Seethe less. Keep in mind that Ken had thousands of followers on instagram and tens of thousands of followers on tumblr but had to abandon both because of all the attention she got. The last time she tried to come back to instagram, she deactivated her account again within days. 

> she is a nobody in SF and in her social circles
And how would you know? You seem to know quite a lot about who's who in San Francisco and Ken's friends.

> Her public accounts have like 20 followers
Her only public active account is letterboxd which has 150+ followers, all of which seem to be random movie fans and not orbiters only following her because she's Ken. 

> The people who keep up with this thread are less than a dozen...
You would like to think that. Be careful and don't test it is all I'll say.