omg i use korean face cleaning gel and bought an eyeshadow palette and a lip stain but i havent tried the makeup wtf :o
not only am i addicted to heroin, i know i wont get high when im on suboxone. iv suboxone doesnt get me high. i am also  addicted to needle. i just love getting my blood drawn (always have) and idk poke around hurt myself i mean im probe to self harm and idk it reminds me of the times i did heroin and calms me down a little makes me happy to feel that rush of preparing, trying to be discreet and finding a vein they are all very exciting to me...

yea addiction is a life long illness. but im not using heroin and not getting high! so i havent relapsed, also since i dont have insurance they are fuck ton expensive and this is the mega easy no borax no glue way of using suboxone and min/max it, like im prescribed 8 mg but im injecting like 2 mg, feels the same and i dont get wthdrawal symptoms. so more suboxone but same effect! but im running out of needles and shooting on your joints mega hurts so maybe i will not do it that much i just wanna quit suboxone cause i feel like i am not "sober enough" because im on medically assisted treatment rather than just doing it by myself. i feel like im "cheating" my way through sobreity, and since i cant just stop using it i have to slowly decrease the dosage. the doctor fees are building up cause i visited a hand doctor woman and had to pay for 3 mris and the vitamins (turns out i have like 0 magnesium which could lead to cramps) and i also have small cysts in the spinal canal!!!! yay

so yea im not relapsing bros.. calm