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i did. they said "ask your family maybe they know someone because they can be really picky" and my mom doesnt let me go to other countries for internship other than serbia macedonia and croatia (is there even science in balkan and why are they so mad at bosnians but not turkish people? i mean they started liking turkish ppl bcs my oldest aunt married a turkish man (they said my grandfather didnt speak for days...) but bosnians are just turkish balkan people settled waaay back then so 😭😭 wtf

anyway guys i used the last needle.. i mean ive reused them before and i relabelled them but for some reason it hurts sooo bad (maybe because im not getting painkiller effect actyally because of naloxone) but ive been using less suboxone overall!! yayy
i dont know if ill buy more needles will just use my nose cause my feet get soo sore