> yOu DoNt LiStEn To YoUr FaNs
what an entitled faggot take. do you put money into the pockets of iris? do you contribute anything? shut the fuck up. the only reason “””””idols””””” pretend to give a fuck about groomers like you is because they get something out of it. 
you are completely and utterly worthless beyond a number in a bank account. you’re not replaceable, because being replaceable means you had to have some sort of value to begin with. 
you aren’t a net positive in society, you are an active burden. less than a cock and balls taped to a wallet because your cock and balls mean as little as you, your physical being, your thoughts, wants, hopes, dreams, insecurities and memories do and that’s why you’re here talking to girls on endchan because you know that’s the closest you will ever get to a female touch that isn’t paid for or taken without consent
unironically kill yourself