on the last post I wanted to also include how when I would banter back she would get so offended and say I was a heel biter and never got yelled at before even though I was so safe with her. She would hide from me when she would be unstable I think and when I was depressed (because of her) she would get irritated too. She would be happy and angry pretty often and so distant. She did try to humiliate me alot but I just tried to disconnect mentally.

Yeah she mentioned to me how she did try Bumble and Tinder but they sucked according to her :/ I mean she was litteraly getting money from her friends online and still talks to her exes. Also she literally would visit autistic weirdo's all the time (including me lol) except for one guy all of her friends are males from the fringes of the internet 

she would project alot and completely not understand why she is an asshole sometimes. She would call it her utilitarianism but I would say its Autism the way she pretends to excuse not being casually nice to people and being "blunt" which again was her being a total dick, one time she asked an someone related to her like 10 times why she couldn't do something, or maybe she was asking if he was serious because she didn't get why she wasn't allowed to take fish she caught from their pond, I told her after that that was a bit inappropriate and she felt bad at first and the next day found an excuse to flip it on me, that happened every time. Also when I would try to bring up something about her I would sandwich the complaint between two compliments but she figured that out early and called it manipulation. I think she's just a little solipsistic