> being interesting, good looking or fun to be around is all kind of surface level and speaks nothing to her actual character
Absolutely, that is very true. Sadly most people, me being an impressionable fool included, are lured in by this aura and end up getting hurt in the end when she shows her true colors but you're in too deep and emotionally invested to just let go, you just try to excuse it or justify it for her and never questioning the excuses she gives herself
It gets to a point where it's just too much and some things start falling apart at the seams, and the truth starts to come out, and even the glimpses that have surfaced are so bad it's made me feel both dumb and embarrassed

I think it really sounds like projection from her end if she'd say stuff like she'd never forgive you and that you should know, but never being actually specific
That tells so much that in that it's just a convenient excuse that covers all bases and passes the blame to you without her actually addressing what her issues were so they could be worked out
Do you think she's really malicious enough to do this to people and like you say get off to it, because it makes her feel powerful or something?