I remember when I would cry because she would belittle and insult me and make me feel like trash I would apologize to her and say sorry for no real reason and she would get annoyed and say sorrys don't mean anything and I should just be better, for things I didn't do but absorbed for whatever convoluted reason at the time, she made me feel like I was the manipulative monster and I felt so guilty for it.
I do remember telling her, idk where but around when I took a break from college, that I actually moved on and made friends, just to piss her off really because at that time she was flaunting at me while I was suffering and apparently she was seething because of that lol and even called it cheating! I was the cheater for moving on too early after she broke up with me. I can say I have moved on enough to be happy and productive in my life and I have my identity back.

She drank and did weed before me and smokes now 

Some friend who "died in her sleep" but what she told me was that her mom drank herself to death and her friend was depressed and on antidepressants and still drinking so she definitely killed herself that way, no disrespect to her friend but Audrey seemed surprised at this notion. Another person she knew somehow was a bitter old man from a farm or something that said she would see his dead body or blood or something, I don't remember how he died or her connection but she would bring it up. Also on her friend, it was her birthday when we were together and so we watched her friend's favorite movie which was midsommar but I had a job then and slept early which pissed her off and she said I was so disrespectful and made a whole show of turning off the movie and bringing up her friend again. She also said I reminded her of Zoolander once so we watched that and I guess I wasn't fully engrossed and she did the same thing of getting pissed off and saying I was disrespectful to her.

Honestly her story is kind of weak and doesn't really even involve her mother, and to be honest I never had PTSD because of my brother and I walked in on him still breathing so idk, maybe I'm a psycho too, I think we all just kind of move on and the ones who can't kill themselves, the rest of the world lives with much worse than I do so I don't think it's that crazy, it's not like I don't think about it still but I tried to be as healthy about it as possible.