> those things naturally contrast
Gonna take a second to entertain your dumb ass here, in case you are actually this desperate to defend an objectively evil person. 
She cheated on every men she has been with. She has lied to every men she has ever been with. She leads dozens of men on at any given time despite her official relationship status. She has taken advantage of people emptionally, sexually, financially for years without a single shred of sympathy, compassion, and let alone remorse. She spits on the face of the people who open up to her by sheer humiliation and then acts the victim. She's betrayed the trust of everyone who has ever confided in her, incluiding you. These are all unforgivable acts done by a shameless and horrible person.
I intentionally left out her sexual depravity so it had no bearing in your empty accusations towards anyone who has a problem with her and your coombrained rhetoric. And if it's a dumb troll and I just wasted my time here then cool, at least I got to put it in plain terms.