i hope you didn’t write this paragraph thinking i would give a fuck about her, what you think about her or what she does to other people.
you’ll notice nowhere did i deny that she’s a shit breathed aberrant whore.
because she is. 
but if she’s a sadist, it’s because you’re a masochist. 
some of you retards, no matter how many times this happens, still act shocked when someone who was performative and pleasant online is a degenerate 
by now this should be drilled in your heads but it seems people prefer blindly fall for the  “women are wonderful” fallacy and it’s ridiculous
people like you and third wave feminists are two sides of the same coin and it’s beyond me how you don’t realize that 
i really think you might be retarded if you think any girl on r9k will ever be anything even remotely close to normal
you don’t use 4chan and lose your innocence while doing it
you go to 4chan to be around people as fucked up as you are
none of the people you believe are exceptions are exceptions at all, that’s just you being incapable of moving past personal preference and idealizing a version of someone that doesn’t exist, all made capable with narcissism and the idea that your opinion is rule, somehow 
every single person you think you know, you don’t. i know damn well you don’t tell everyone around you anything. which is why it’s even more bizarre that people expect otherwise from the people around them
you’re kidding yourself if you think your qt3.14 oneitis virgin angel favorite hasn’t had someone pull out of her ass and shove a butt cock down her throat or something of a similar degree
guarantee you. ask your mom what her body count is on the next phone call you get from her
not to mention, porn is hardly any better. if you enjoy lining the pockets of people who do minimal work and take in advertisement money, you’d be better off doing that on YouTube. preoccupations with porn and sex are impure and a sign of a rotten soul 
get used to the idea that the people around you are garbage or don’t, keep making yourself mad forever and never learn from it
i’m sorry about your foreskin and you have my condolences, but having a ruined penis isn’t a good reason to be this stupid