We don't know who this Eric guy really is/was, but whoever he is or might have been he was obviously close to Audrey to know the stuff he mentioned in his posts. Maybe it was an alias only Audrey would recognize since he starts off by saying he was embarrassed to even be posting here. He mentioned her ex David by his name and he also named some Michael (?). He mentions having had long chats wih her, and some other events and places on top of a photo titled Wisconsin or Wyoming. He also signs off as her "phantom" and one of the attached pics is an old drawing. It's cryptic and obviously directed to Audrey because I have no idea what the hell this could all mean.

But what I think the most telling thing I noticed from his posts is that he mentioned that he "was there that day at Union Station" or something among those lines. What happened that day? Which Union Sation? There's no fewer than a dozen spread throughout the country. 

I don't know who or what ever happened to the guy, but I'm intrigued and I'd like to know others' thoughts and if they found anything out too.