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lol this retard begged me to brush him then started purring and went eating right then, you can hear him purr while eating im so glad i caught it fat biiiitch lmao. anyways i wanna order some snacks that i will throw up right after. any reccomendations?

awww faggot thank you faggot <3

> autists always get caught up in this stuff cause they are desperate for acceptance
YESSS i tried to say this earlier on this same thread i believe. 
> they can be manly too
that "manly" word is so dangerous, its what made a lot of great men toxic. that thought still makes people not being able to be in a good fulfilling relationship that two people support each other and are open totalk abt everything. this makes men bottle up their emotions in order to be "manly", which is actually impossible since the goalpost moves every time theres an achievement.

you can be lucky enough to have wonderful parents that will raise you away from these harmful societal positions that you "HAVE" to be in, but you will meet people that satisfy the gender norms. 

of course it applies to being "girly" too but i think i talked enough of it but if anyone doesnt believe girls face problems because we can have "pretty privilege" and we get anywhere we can, its literally a concept created by men; men allow women to do or not do based on their aesthetics. like how youre supposed to look and dress a certain way if you want to get promoted hired taken seriously etc its mostly based on your looks or your skills, and you cant wear the things you want because men percieve you sexually because of whatever they want. take the lolita fashion as an example, it is quite literally a jab at how men see clothes targeted at children "sexy" or shit when they just want to look cute for themselves and other girls. or the state of seifuku today.

anyway i talked too much
incels are even more of a rabbit hole that will make us speak even more as we all know lol, but i will say the echochamber incels cant get out of because they want to be validated on giving up and blaming everything else, because its easier that way and importanty they get shunned maybe by the only people they talk to if they succeed in doing the things they want to do... world is so sad.

sorry Anonymous i mustve confused you with Anonymous! haha you guys seem like dopplegangers!