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Haii bbs <3 can you guys knock it off? I literally got bullied into oblivion in these threads so any joy I had was once gone lol. I joined the pornhub server cause it's funny as fuck and I wanted the emotes. Didn't expect some random to put my account through their stalker software. I left the dating server and deleted the message like immediately after sending it so you can sleep well at night so you can sleep well at night knowing I spend yet another night being a virgin. I thought you guys fucking hated me LMAO so why does it even matter ... 
You're right it's absolutely jover
Id ask for these threads to be deleted but I'm not giving the board ownes a single crumb of my bread lol
Okay byebye stan Mark Ruffalo for clear skin I'm gonna do my daily exercises I don't give a fuck what you guys think anymore sure yeah I'm a whore yes yes yes whatever who gives a fuck