thumbnail of [BLACKPILL] side chick can't get Chad to commit....mp4
thumbnail of [BLACKPILL] side chick can't get Chad to commit....mp4
[BLACKPILL] side... mp4
(15.02 MB, 634x360 h264)
Hello, I hate women.
Now with that out of the way..

> especially an attractive one
Proofs or didn't happen.

> so we carry their number one obsession all day long for most of our lives all the while being shorter weaker and more scared than them. even if justice works it is always after he already beat me or killed me.
STFU, you literally have state oppressive apparatus on your side. Fucking INSTITUTIONALIZED violence. Plus all the fucking brainwashed betacuck whiteknights ready to jump in to defend muh queens.

> even if justice works it is always after he already beat me or killed me.
I would beat the shit out of you (in Minecraft).

> we are always at the risk of disappointing their expectations and getting assaulted as a result
That doesn't even make any sense, why would Chad assault you if he doesn't find you sexually attractive anymore? He would just ghost your ass.

> so we have to keep evil men away while not scaring the good ones which is almost impossible to do, imagine you having to reject a greasy misogynist abusive fucker without being a "bitch" because the nice guy you want is at the same room watching everything.
Bitch, if you wanna get your internal organs rearranged by some "good" men (ie Chads), then just go on Tinder. It was literally invented so that foids like you could order Chad like a pizza.

> all the while having to do that while you are still attractive enough so we get only a few years and it rots us on the inside out my heart is teared out
Yea ngl, you foids age like milk. But eternal female beauty is what anime girls are for.

> and it's basically impossible to compete with the girls that advertise their sexuality but if you do the same all you get is men who only care about looks so they don't give a shit about who i am it's a lose lose situation being a girl who likes good guys
Yea, no shit, you gotta advertise your reproductive capabilities if you want high tier mates. That's what your secondary sex characteristics are for lol.

Who you are is a boring dumb cunt, all you have to offer is your fucking eggs.

> existence as a girl is painful no wonder we are more depressed.
You wouldn't KNOW depression if it slapped you in your fugly face.

You know jack shit about suffering.

> we hate ourselves and get resentful because men always lie about the reason they wanna "talk" to us (it's ALWAYS a ploy to get sex)
It seems liek the only one lying here is you. I always tell bitches I would [REDACTED] them if they take away my copes.