This is a message to both Samuel and Lara.
Mainly for Samuel to read,as I am not able to send him a message in DMs as he unfriended me and I stopped talking to him for a reason and I really don’t wanna add him back and continue discourse with that clown, but it is directed to Lara.
Sam messaged me these messages in the last few days, based on 0 evidence:

3rd May (7:34):
Why are you trying to contact Lara, Johnny?

7th May (9:31):
Pretty stupid of you to post that, Johnny.

Really, pretty stupid.

God help you, man.

8th May (8th May):
Just for clarification here, and this will be my final comment to you going forward, I'm not even talking about the stupid childish shit you posted about me, I couldn't care less about this. I'm talking about what you posted of Lara. 

You don't know Lara, man... it's a really, really bad idea to fuck with her when it comes to this stuff, especially when you're so technologically illiterate and low IQ like you are, but you're about to know her. 

Good luck, Johnny. And goodbye.

 I guess he is just paranoid. It’s not the first time he’s seen something posted on the chan and got angry at me assuming I posted it, be it random nofap or no alcohol stuff, race stuff, you, or anything in between. 
Literally, posting is anonymous, why does he think it’s me all the time? I’m not as obsessed with him, or admire him, as he thinks I do.
He’s not some god that dominated the internet that was sent from the heavens to cleanse the world of alcohol drinkers and wankers like he thinks he is, he’s a mentally ill 30 year old unemployed autistic Scottish NEET with a God complex who still lives with his parents. You probably know this Lara, but he is fucking obsessed with you.
Sam and I spoke almost every day, sometimes for hours a day, for around 6 or 7 months. You were always talked about by him, he had this ability to link back any topic back to you. And he did not know you posted pics of your nudes to guys.
Anyway, back to the topic on hand. So yeah, I receive these messages. I guess something happened on soc or endchan as we used to visit those places together when pics of you would be posted. Sure enough your nudes are here for all to see. 
So really, I give less of a shit if I will ‘come to know you’, which sounds like a threat, but yeah I didn’t post them, and Sam you’re as thick as two wood planks if you think I did or still care about you that much to hurt you in that way, or even wanna hurt you in that way. You’re kind of a shallow shitty person, who boats about having a high IQ but failed school and is failing at life. Still living at home at 30. Doesn’t seem that high now does it? People who boast about high IQs typically don’t have high IQs. Plus you are proud of the accomplishments of Israel cus you have nothing to be proud of in your own life, Scott. If anything I still want you and Lara back together, which, besides the fact all my friends told me you’d an-hero if I stopped talking to you, was pretty much the only reason I invested so much time into you.
So Lara if you didn’t want your nudes leaked, you shouldn’t have posted them in the first place. Whomever posted them is only a little bit at fault, it is mainly your fault. You have a nice body and a nice butthole, shame about the face but the rest makes up for it 100 times over. 
And Samuel, get a job. At least you’ve stopped posting your mug online. Sorry our friendship ending was caused by a delusion of yours, but alas, it seems fitting.