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eheh thank you~
tbh he was weird from the start but i didnt want to like make him sad. he was posting underage nudes of ciara everywhere even though i made a channel for him so he can sperg there and he still sent general WEIRD loli shit (lolis are cute but even if that was drawn with an adult itd be a weird pic), ciara with period blood and shit like that, but i just typed lol even though it had no humor other than " this is disgusting/violent and i am edgy". he didnt even know much stuff avout ciara other than her tits and vagine she found in this board, its just a sex thing for him, he doesnt care if shes dead or not.
anyway, the whole convo, i was basicaly talking to myself because elliot didnt say anything that would need a single thought, he just became very hostile and was elementary school bullying mode.
anyway, just because i was diagnosed with autism and i had to work a lot to fit in society and you didnt, doesnt mean im less aytistic. i watched hours of videos on youtube of eandom people just looking at rhe cam so i could look into peoples eyes. i still wear a mask to school. im not saying you have to do these to be autistic. im just more comfortable with you guys rather than anyone irl.
anyway, a lot of people get diagnosed as autism now, because uhhh i dont know.
i was diagnosed in like 2006, when it was called aspergers to have high functioning autism. im not lucky to get autismbux becayse its not a thing here, but i get more time in exams if a orofessor is kind enough.
im sorry if my mean comments here make you sad as an autistic person that is not prone to having clear arguements during a "fight", im sorry. i told elliot that i would be mean if he continued and wouldnt act like this if he stopped. he was sometimes fun to talk to when he didnt stop the whole convo with a random picture of ciara with no context really.