i went to there because i wanted to get ket. suadiye is very good. and i did not tell you all my real major because i knew one of you tried to doxx me, its basicallt the same thing tho.
istanbul is a little place i go to a lot of places. :D
come meet me, lets hang out
thanks babes but pls dont talk to him i dont want him to go r9k on you too

yes thank you. tbh for the shits i would just give you all my irl info, maybe one of yous would come and hang out w me :c
sounds like you yhink every girl in the womab is me kek
> objectively correct
> doxxed messages
? wow bro everyone saw your fake name and anime profile picture and you saying stfu and whore
NICE rebuttal btw
elliot you are so edgy bro. go shoot up a school or sth and youll be contempt with tourself
you think youre so cool for postinf naked children WHICH I DELETED BECAUSE I DIDNT WANT YOU TO SEEM THAT WAY BECAUSE I SAW YOU AS A FRIEND all the while you saw me as a prey and the second i defended myself you sided with a random anon that is a hater. of course i will take a stance. i told you to stop being mean or id be mean you never told me how i was not autistic, just threw a toddler tantrum.
im not scared because you think youre smarter than you actually are. good luck buddy
if i were you id just go hate fap to my nudes rather than tryinf so hard.
also im glad you took my advice and startes forming sentences! 

also like i told u before babes, lips, nipples, tip of the dick and coochie have the same kind of flesh/tissue. i have lipstick on, but i dont have brown lips. pink lips, hence pink nipples. it does get dull when im cold or when im not super duper horny. here they are after i touched myself a little to the tought of u being angry but still getting hard to this ahaha
you know, im really sad i lost a friend.
and i dont mind having 3 "orbiters" because they feel like actual real friends and i feel like i could talk to them about anything