really weird that other than personal thoughts, people have to use an app based on algorithm that cant percieve beauty to tell me im ugly. and you are the people that want to say that you hate the beauty standards because everyone is different and it makes you feel lonely.

beauty is subjective and perception. in my case, a "ugly" person that got told they are so because of the beauty standards can be beautiful because i like them. their actions are what reflects to me, yet you are the person you dispise; given that you only see the outside of a woman, and nothing else

and you can read my name any way you like. it is because of kewl, and cewl is on desuarchive used that way before i adopted that name too.
on r9k i used to be called ketchan for a while because i made a thread that gor a lot of replies while i was on ket.
i used to read it as suel but now i read as just kewl. idk u can read however you like idc

and please guys dont bore yourself with the people that want to bully me. they are out of touch. they have no reason to bully me. they dont know who i am. like i replied with countless sentences last night, when you point out how wrong they are they will twist my or your words to fit their beliefs that are only making themselves worse.

i know u want to defend me but these people arent logical and you cant talk to them that way.
hell the "lesbian" here just picks apart a sentence she doesnt like and talks about it as if i didnt tell how "she" would do that.

you are avatarfagging with sex workers, women who wear childrens clothing because they want even the pedros to look at her. they want every little bit of attention, and are doing the things she tells me i do, when what i do isnt much different than a girl sending her boyfriend nudes.

there are people that would rather jack off to me now instead of porn, which i think is great. i wont do any paywall because that would be scummy.

they paint me as a worse person then i am and add the girl that they avatarfaggs traits to me. like wut. if u love belle delphine so much how can u ridicule me when she is sooooo much worse than me.

see, there is no reason. they just dont have anything better to do im afraid