How can anyone look at that blob and feel aroused is insane, she is the ugliest e girl on here and people are still simping for her. Certified losers and virgins all of you who jerked off to her pictures. She has no boobs, no ass, ugly face, average stomach(thats only because she is malnourished), her legs are skinny and ugly(full of bruises from drug abuse). She gets high and self destructs publicly only making it harder for her orbiters to support her and making them look like bigger losers. She has no personality except "haha heroin". Under developed brain, cant speak, cant respect another human. And is a narcissist leeching life out of her orbiters. Disgusting junkie whore and you're a disgusting retard for following her or even giving her attention. Just let her fade away from everyone's lives and die from OD. I hate that I have to see her thread every time I come on here. 

TL;DR: cewl kys