normally, people "fight" people they see as their equal. they do not kick down unless they need some power as we do not feed on prey. this power is for them to make themselves seen to higher men, which is truly gay and is literally sucking up. they go: see big bro i insulted this girl aha women bad men are so awesome like you dude ha arent i awesome like you?
if they didnt have this insecurity and need to get higher in this made up bs hierarchy on chans they wouldnt do this. not so different when they bully "losers" on here as well, saying shit to them because they talk or defend a girl like me in this case, because for them talking to a girl nicely is a weakness, as non weak men are comfortable by being single and wouldnt need to do anything with a woman to "elevate" themselves. these men would be with a woman just because they wanted to or loved her or needed sex as it is a natural want/need. not saying this thing can ever be different because this status shit is not real. it is just a thing these "higher men" created to feel better about themselves. anybody giving a fuck about this is retarded and now it even has words to describe it on the chans sayint youre either incel or chad or some shit. its all meaningless but ppl here play into this game as if their lives depend on it. so sad. i hope people cope with their insecurities in a better way some day.