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> Aesthetics are not entirely objective but rather subjective. The beauty of objects depends on the beholder, as aesthetics are perceptions of art. This implies that aesthetics are an abstract concept, varying from person to person.
How can it be subjective, retard, when hundreds of millions of people like the same thing?

> b-b-but what about muh special snowflake outliers?!
statistical error, nobody cares

> Take an example brutalist architecture. Many people hate it and find the building depressing and dystopian while the other side finds beauty in them since a few just love melancholic art.
Nobody likes commieblocks, vampy

At least nobody who lives in them lol

> From a study I checked it sajd that cultural factors blah-blah
how come anime conquered the world retard? how come Hollywood conquered it? where is your culture now lol?

> I understand If you find arcylic nails to be ugly since women and men have completely different taste in aesthetic
yes, because sexual dimorphism, not culture

women just don't need a keen sense of aesthetics biologically

> Porn is not and will neved be progress.
It's not for you to decide what is progress. Abundance of porn is a sign of progress, as it is a proxy for the development of the communications technology.

"Porn industry" includes everything from amateur porn to onlyfans to hentai to porn games. There is an over-abundance of fap material and it's a GOOD thing.

Commies wanting to create artificial scarcity, so much for all that talk about communism kek.

> The world is not ruled by women, silly! Martiarchialism is not real and those who rule everything are biological men!
Shut the fuck up. I never said women rule the world, I said they are gatekeepers of sex, and due to this are a preferential group in society.

> I did, nothing appeared.
literally first two links

you better not google what is the link between poliburo and ballerinas lol

> Sexual scandals are more popular onto nazi cultist satanist clubs or along libertarians.
sexual harassment is more common in all cults, it's a feature of organization, not of ideology